Catia Dombaxe/ Dr. Schwartz Week 3

 06/19/23 - 06/23/23

This week I shadow Dr. Schwartz during his clinic hours, participated in the Tumor board meeting for the department of neurosurgery and I made progress on my lab research project. 

During the clinic hours, it is always interesting to see the interaction between Dr. Schwartz and his patients. His attention to their needs and how he assures them of what he can do help them using his expertise. This week, we had many patients with complicated cases they had to be recommended to the tumor board for further analysis and the opinion of other experts in the department. Additionally, we had two cases of successful surgeries and it was rewarding to the happiness in our patient´s faces.

During the tumor board meeting, I learnt a great of how Doctors consult on each and seek for other experts´opinions on difficult cases. It was enlightening to see everyone working together to help solve the cases. It was specially interesting to see the human aspects in all of the discussions. It was not just about science, but also about the patient care and the best method to address certain issues. 

Then the rest of the week, I spent making progress towards my lab research. This week, I was trained on doing craniotomy in mice and I learnt how do to the surgery. Back in Ithaca campus, I do spinal cord injury in mice. It was fascinating to see how the surgeries can be extremely different, yet so similar. I am joining see my progress during the surgeries and I am confident that next week, I will be able to start into the next phase of the project.


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