Salman Matan/ Dr. Gomoll Week 6
In this week, Monday I went OR with Dr. Gomall and all his surgeries were similar of what I’ve seen before. I was able to collect two allograft samples from two different surgeries that he did perform. On Tuesday, I was working in the Biomechanics lab. While on Wednesday, I shadowed Dr. Jason Spector and Dr. Adam Jacoby. Breast reduction and liposuction by Spector, the patient consented to breast reduction for both the breast and liposuction. Lipoaspirate was collected and Ashley processed the samples and shipping to Ithaca for further study. Amputation of the front part of the left ring finger by Dr. Jacoby. The patient has a small vascular disease that caused the blood to stop flowing, which caused the tissue to get an infection. Local anesthesia was used for only the amputated finger. Amputation was inevitable and even if the doctor decided to reconstruct the lost tissue, the new tissue will have a higher chance of getting infected. The section of the amputated finger was sent for lab testing. X-ray was used to make sure to cut was the desired size/way. Doctor Jacoby scratched the bone to have some space in order to close the two ends of the skin. Second patient - closure of upper right extremity fasciotomy with possible skin graft possibly bilateral lower extremity, possibly VAC placement. The patient has a disease that causes pressure to build up in his right arm and doctors need to release the pressure that compromised some of the skin. This disease is called compartment syndrome. The arm starting from the elbow down to wrist is open with a lot of skin removed due to the death of the skin. Skin is grafted from his right was used to close the wound in the hand. The doctor removed all the blood cloths, cleaned up the space, and cut the dead skin/ peel it off. The doctor cleaned the wound with saline and make sure that all the debris, dead skin, and blood cloth are removed. Holes were made into the skin graft to look like mesh and the reason is to be used as diffusion since the graft has no blood flow and vascularization. The doctor stapled first to hold the graft in place and trim down the excess graft, then suture it and applied antibiotic ointment. The surgery was successful. On Thursday, I was working on the Biomechanics lab and Friday I attended Dr. Spector’s lab meeting and then the rest of the day I was at the biomechanics lab.
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